When you stick to a good diet and get lots of exercise but are frustrated by the stubborn deposits of fat that hang around, SculpSure body contouring products may be right for you.

Dr. Rosen offers this innovative treatment to re-contour your body in all the right places – without surgery or downtime.

Why SculpSure works so well

The SculpSure body contouring system uses laser energy that heats the fat cells beneath the surface of your skin. The laser device delivers the energy through the skin without damaging surrounding tissue.

As the temperature of the cells increases, their structure begins breaking down until they are destroyed. Once destroyed, cells can no longer store fat.

Your body naturally eliminates the dead cells over the course of a few weeks after your procedure. You don’t need additional treatment to flush the fat out and see your results.

No pain, long-term results

Treatment with SculpSure causes no pain. You may feel some warmth or tingling sensations on the area being treated, but otherwise, you can sit back and relax while Dr. Rosen treats your stubborn fat.

Just as it takes time for fat to build up in your body, it takes time for your body to flush out the cells after they’ve been broken down. Within four weeks of treatment, you can begin to see noticeable results of SculpSure, with treated areas appearing more contoured and slimmer.

You’ll continue to see results for weeks after treatment and can enjoy optimal results of the procedure within 12 weeks.

Contour areas with a custom plan

Dr. Rosen creates a customized plan to treat just the areas you want to address. SculpSure technology can be used on a variety of areas that commonly store excess fat, such as:

  • Back
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen

If you struggle with your appearance because of a double chin, Dr. Rosen offers a special applicator that targets excess fat hanging beneath your chin, known as submental fat.

You can finally get rid of the love handles and belly fat that makes you feel uncomfortable with your appearance. Clothing will fit better, and your slimmer, well-balanced figure can give you a well-deserved boost of confidence.

SculpSure as a motivator

For many, the results of SculpSure are so dramatic, they inspire a healthier lifestyle. By staying active through daily exercise and eating a healthy, low-fat diet, you can maintain your results for years.

Not only will you look better, your motivation to stay fit and healthy significantly benefits your overall well-being.

Immediately after your SculpSure treatment, you can get right back to your usual activities without any need for recovery or downtime. Because treatment requires no incisions, you don’t have to worry about scars interfering with your healthier, slimmer appearance.

Body contouring is a great option when you’re unhappy with your appearance because of stubborn fat, but don’t want to deal with the risks of anesthesia or surgery. Treatment is performed conveniently in-office and no one will be able to tell you’ve had it done.

Learn more about the benefits of SculpSure by calling the office today or book a body contouring consultation online.